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Employers' Club

Employers’ Club: Meet the team

We are pleased to introduce our Employers’ Club specialists, comprising experts from our various human capital teams.

Each quarter, a different member of the team will provide some insight into their daily roles, what they love about their job and how they came to global mobility/employment tax.  Louise will kick us off.

How long have you been working in tax?

I started working in tax after I graduated from Southampton University as a mature student with an MSc in international banking and financial studies. I have clocked up 21 years, primarily in global mobility tax.

Why did you choose global mobility?

It chose me! I was looking for a job and the international element of the work sounded interesting, so I applied to one of the Big 4’s graduate programmes and the rest is history.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

The variety.  Yes, I work in tax and so there are numbers and processes involved but I also get to meet a wide range of people who work in all sorts of roles. One of my favourite comments from a client was “I am a rocket scientist; I don’t do tax!” He worked for a well-known company developing a rocket to go into space. 

My role is also a constant learning curve, usually because legislation changes, but I’m also always learning from the people around me, particularly at PKF Littlejohn, where the wider tax team members are very good at working together to provide a holistic approach for our clients.

How have things changed in the world of global mobility since you started?

They have changed significantly. The world has become more accessible and people travel to a much greater extent (COVID-permitting). Far more people are keen to work internationally at some point in their career and there is a real appetite for new experiences. Companies planning to grow often look to the international arena and the advantages of being able to access a bigger talent pool to help them get where they want to be. 

Have you ever been an expat yourself?

Not in the true sense of the word but when I was with one of the Big 4, I did transfer to Jersey in the Channel Islands for four years. I took my family with me and it was an enriching experience for all of us – my son still lives and works in the Channel Islands. It also gave me a good insight into all aspects of an international move for work, which has been very useful when talking to clients.

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