Our team’s depth of industry knowledge is recognised in the market as number one in the basic materials sector of listed audits according to the respected Corporate Advisor Rankings Guide.
We foster long term relationships with clients across the sector and will support you from initial stages of exploration through to production. We have been involved in numerous mineral and energy projects including precious metals, copper, nickel, iron and base metals, agricultural minerals, uranium, battery metals, diamonds, other gemstones and coal.
Our team understand the accounting and audit issues that the mining sector faces. We also understand their application in a variety of business models in exploration, evaluation, mine development, production and mining activities including:
- direct financing of exploration and development activities and cost sharing models via joint venture arrangements,
- disposal or part disposal of projects, licenses and subsidiaries to mining majors and joint venture partners,
- in-house financing for feasibility and bankable feasibility stages, and
- mining and processing activities carried out directly and by disposal plus a royalty stream.
Our expertise and in-depth knowledge will guide you through the challenges you encounter as your business grows.