Service Tax VAT & indirect taxes

For some businesses VAT is a straightforward tax to administer. For others, particularly those for whom VAT is a significant risk or a cost to be managed, the process of compliance can be more demanding. Whatever your situation, it is vital that your VAT affairs are in order and meet the legal requirements to minimise the risk of unforeseen liabilities. With so many VAT complexities, this can often be difficult to achieve without expert advice. 

To deliver effective service, we recognise the importance of understanding your business and providing practical solutions to your business problems. 

Our compliance service includes assisting you when dealing with HMRC, for example, when applying to register separately or as a VAT group and in making any other necessary applications, notifications or error corrections. We can assist you with the preparation and submission of your VAT returns using current technology and with HMRC’s VAT inspections, helping to ensure these run smoothly.

We can also ensure that your VAT risk is assessed and managed whenever you plan new transactions or changes to the business, or as a result of changes in law and HMRC practice. Our team will advise you on ways to capitalise on opportunities. We can help you to ensure that VAT recovery is optimised, which is of particular importance if you have exempt or non-business activities.

We can also provide advice and compliance services on other indirect taxes, such as Insurance Premium Tax, Customs duty, and Air Passenger Duty.

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