Service Corporate simplification

Corporate simplification

Our goal at PKF is to empower our clients. We tailor our solutions to their specific needs, allowing them to focus on what is important. Our Corporate simplification experts aim to deliver long-term cost savings and compliance benefits by streamlining an organisation’s corporate structure.

Our team will assist you in all phases – from maximising value for shareholders to advising you on how to close companies that are no longer required. We will help you plan a corporate structure to optimise the group’s tax position, reduce its legal and financial reporting burden, maximise value from assets and entities which are surplus to requirements and do so in the most tax-efficient way. We will execute the structural changes on your behalf if desired, freeing up time for your finance and compliance teams.

Where you have entities in a variety of jurisdictions, the PKF Global network enables us to seamlessly deliver a simplification plan across multiple geographic locations.

Members’ Voluntary Liquidation (‘MVL’)

A solvent liquidation (Members Voluntary Liquidation or MVL) is a method of releasing capital to shareholders from a dormant or soon-to-be dormant company.

In many circumstances an MVL is the optimal way to return value to shareholders in a legally compliant way and it is often the most tax-efficient method for shareholders to be repaid their capital.

To help you achieve the cleanest and most tax efficient exit from one or more dormant companies we will assess the financial and legal position and advise you on the best approach to extract value whilst avoiding compliance risk for shareholders and directors alike.