Metals One Plc

Deal Alert: PKF supports admission to AIM

We are delighted to have supported Metals One Plc on its admission to trading on AIM.

Metals One Plc has raised gross proceeds of £2.2 million by way of a placing and subscription through the issue of 44,000,000 ordinary shares at a placing price of 5 pence per share, giving a market capitalisation of £10.4 million on admission.

Metals One was established in January 2021 to acquire natural resources projects with a focus on critical battery metals, including nickel, lithium, cobalt and copper. As part of the transaction, Metals One has acquired two exploration entities with projects in Finland and Norway. 

“PKF’s patience and guidance during our AIM IPO has been greatly appreciated, particularly their flexibility as the deal structures of assets we acquired evolved during the process. Metals One looks forward to continuing to work with PKF as a listed business focussing on defining critical mineral resources for the energy transition.”

Daniel Maling, CFO & Founder
Metals One Plc

PKF acted as reporting accountant on the transaction and the Capital Markets team included Adam Humphreys, Ben Pringle and Abigail Williams

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